Resolution Framework

Resolution Framework

Resolve concerns and conflicts the modern way

Our 6 years’ experience in responding to workplace complaints, concerns, conflicts and conduct issues has taught us many things. Perhaps nothing more so than the devastating impact that traditional HR policies and management systems are having upon our organisations and employees. These policies and processes are no longer fit for purpose in a modern, complex and diverse workforce. They are proven to be retributive, adversarial and harmful. Thankfully more and more organisations are recognising the need to put people before process.

in 2018, recognising the need for change, our CEO and Founder, developed and launched The Resolution Framework. This ground breaking framework offers a human and humane approach for resolving issues at work. It diverts the majority of issues away from traditional responses, and towards just and restorative methods such as mediation, coaching and facilitation. The The Resolution Framework is delivering tangible savings to countless organisations which are now benefitting from a more values-based, person-centred workplace culture. These include Next PLC, Virgin Airlines, NATS, TSB Bank, Aviva, NHS Blood and Transplant, HSBC, Hampshire Police, and numerous hospitals, universities, police forces and local authorities. The Bank Watch Resolution Framework is also known as The Resolution Policy, The Resolution Procedure and the Respect and Resolution Framework.

“A fully integrated and legally compliant alternative to traditional workplace discipline, performance and grievance policies and procedures.”

A new and innovative approach for resolving workplace issues
Our customers report many benefits, after making a move away from their traditional HR policies and procedures. Issues can be resolved sooner and closer to source; whilst ensuring that workplace relationships are protected, contributing to increased performance, reputation and competitive advantage.

Your organisation may have already begun to utilise some of the Resolution Framework’s core elements, such as mediation. For others, a radical and complex change is required. We are here to support you on this journey with a unique range of support, training and consultancy packages.

How can Bank Watch assist you to integrate a Resolution Framework?
Resolution Strategy
Embedding a Resolution Framework requires a methodical, inclusive and systematic approach. Bank Watch offers a wide range of support packages to help you develop and deploy your resolution strategy. These include our 5D Review, stakeholder engagement, project management, introductory webinars, planning sessions, template documents and expert consultancy packages are available to support you.

Setting up a Resolution Centre
To ensure the Resolution Framework is an ongoing success, you’ll need a group of key staff members responsible for managing the policy and its associated processes. We’ve developed bespoke training and documentation to support the development of your Resolution Centre.

Resolution Framework Training
Those undertaking the more formal, structured resolution processes should be well trained and highly skilled in their disciplines. We offer a variety of courses from introductory level to fully accredited options; all of which provide a blend of experiential and theoretical content.

Setting up an in-house Mediation Service
Developing an internal mediation scheme includes the delivery of high quality mediation skills training for your internal mediators. We also offer a full package of support to ensure that your mediation service functions effectively. We are renowned for the ongoing support and development that we provide for managers, HR, mediation scheme co-ordinators and others.

Leadership & Management Development
Central to the successful integration of the Resolution Framework is the ability of managers to resolve conflicts and concerns in their earliest stages. Training and development in these key areas is an excellent way to prevent conflicts and concerns from escalating. Bank Watch also offers a comprehensive portfolio of leadership and management training including ILM and TILM approved programmes.

“The introduction of bank watch’s Resolution Framework changed the whole concept and dynamic of managing conflicts and complaints within the workplace. Culturally, the change in language and emphasis have been so important. We aren’t focusing on being aggrieved, we are focusing on resolution and that is a fundamental difference. We have seen that the vast majority of cases are settled either at triage or through a facilitated conversation. This allows everyone to focus on their job and increases morale and motivation which is good for personal wellbeing; it’s good for the business and it’s good for the customer too.”