
Dear FOI Officer

Please confirm the following:

1 - Does THIS Council:

1.1 - Condem ; or

1.2 - Condone

The activity of 3rd parties including private companies or charities operating textile recycling banks on land owned by your Council without gaining the explicit permission/consent of your Council?

2 - Does THIS Council:

2.1 - Condemn; or

2.2 - Condone

The activity of 3rd parties including private companies or charities operating textile recycling banks on land owned by a relevant Council other than this Council without gaining the explicit permission/consent of the relevant Council owning the land?

3 - Does THIS Council:

3.1 - Condemn; or

3.2 - Condone

The activity of 3rd parties including private companies or charities operating textile recycling banks on land owned by the Council or land privately owned without gaining the relevant Environmental Regulation Permits from the relevant authorities including this Council?

4 - Does THIS Council:

4.1 - Condemn; or

4.2 - Condone

The activity of 3rd parties including private companies or charities operating textile recycling banks on land owned by the Council or land privately owned without gaining the relevant Environmental Regulation Permits from the relevant authorities including Councils other than this Council?

4 - Does THIS Council:

4.1 - Condemn; or

4.2 - Condone

4 - Does THIS Council:

4.1 - Condemn; or

4.2 - Condone

The activity of 3rd parties including private companies or charities operating textile recycling banks on land owned by the Council or land owned privately owned and where the respective 3rd party is in possession of stolen textile bank(s)?

We look forward to receiving your reply within the relevant time frame.

Yours sincerely,

Travis Marcus

Head of Bank Watch UK